- Theodore von Karman (1962)
- Norbert Wiener (1963)
- Solomon Lefschetz (1964)
- Marshall Nirenberg (1964)
- Julian Schwinger (1964)
- Leon Lederman (1965)
- Oscar Zariski (1965)
- Fritz Lipmann (1966)
- Gregory Breit (1967)
- Paul Cohen (1967)
- Michael Heidelberger (1967)
- Edwin Land (1967)
- Bernard Brodie (1968)
- Herbert Friedman (1968)
- Nathan Newmark (1968)
- Eugene Wigner (1968)
- Herbert Brown (1969)
- William Feller 1
- Wolfgang Panofsky (1969)
- Richard Brauer (1970)
- Albert Sabin (1970)
- Saul Winstein (1970)
- Daniel Arnon (1973)
- Carl Djerassi (1973)
- Erwin Chargaff (1974)
- Rudolf Kompfner (1974)
- Abel Wolman (1974)
- Manson Benedict (1975)
- Hans Bethe 2 (1975)
- George Dantzig (1975)
- Paul György (1975)
- Joseph Hirschfelder (1975)
- Lewis Sarett 3
- Morris Cohen (1976)
- Peter Goldmark (1976)
- Samuel Goudsmit (1976)
- Efraim Racker (1976)
- Joseph Doob (1979)
- Richard Feynman (1979)
- Arthur Kornberg (1979)
- Herman Mark 4 (1979)
- Raymond Mindlin (1979)
- Simon Ramo (1979)
- Paul Weiss (1979)
- Victor Weisskopf (1979)
- Philip Handler (1981)
- Seymour Benzer (1982)
- Mildred Cohn (1982)
- Gilbert Stork (1982)
- Edward Teller (1982)
- Howard Bachrach (1983)
- Paul Berg (1983)
- Maurice Goldhaber (1983)
- Herman Goldstine (1983)
- Roald Hoffmann (1983)
- Helmut Landsberg (1983)
- George Low (1983)
- Walter Munk (1983)
- Frederick Reines (1983)
- Bruno Rossi (1983)
- Isadore M. Singer (1983)
- Richard Zare (1983)
- Solomon Buchsbaum (1986)
- Stanley H. Cohen (1986)
- Herman Feshbach (1986)
- Robert Hofstadter (1986)
- Peter Lax (1986)
- Hans Liepmann (1986)
- Herbert Simon 5 (1986)
- Frank Westheimer (1986)
- Raoul Bott 6 (1987)
- Harry Eagle (1987)
- Walter Elsasser (1987)
- Michael Freedman 7 (1987)
- Rita Levi-Montalcini (1987)
- Max Tishler (1987)
- Konrad Bloch (1988)
- Michael Brown (1988)
- Stanley N. Cohen (1988)
- Daniel Drucker (1988)
- Milton Friedman (1988)
- Joseph Goldstein (1988)
- Ralph Gomory (1988)
- Eric Kandel (1988)
- Joseph Keller (1988)
- Walter Kohn (1988)
- Jack Steinberger (1988)
- Rosalyn Yalow (1988)
- Richard Bernstein (1989)
- Melvin Calvin (1989)
- Viktor Hamburger (1989)
- Samuel Karlin (1989)
- Philip Leder (1989)
- Joshua Lederberg (1989)
- Rudolph Marcus (1989)
- Baruj Benacerraf (1990)
- Elkan Blout (1990)
- Mildred Dresselhaus (1990)
- Leonid Hurwicz (1990)
- Daniel Koshland, Jr. (1990)
- John McCarthy 8
- David Nathan (1990)
- Ronald Breslow (1991)
- Gertrude Elion (1991)
- Elvin Kabat (1991)
- Robert Kates (1991)
- Salvador Luria (1991)
- Paul Marks (1991)
- Arthur Schawlow 9 (1991)
- Steven Weinberg (1991)
- Maxine Singer (1992)
- Howard Temin (1992)
- Norman Hackerman (1993)
- Martin Kruskal (1993)
- Daniel Nathans (1993)
- Vera Rubin (1993)
- Salome Waelsch (1993)
- Thomas Eisner 10 (1994)
- Robert K. Merton (1994)
- Elizabeth Neufeld (1994)
- Frank Press (1994)
- Peter Goldreich (1995)
- Louis Nirenberg (1995)
- Alexander Rich (1995)
- Norman Davidson (1996)
- Richard Karp (1996)
- Paul Samuelson (1996)
- Marshall Rosenbluth (1997)
- Martin Schwarzschild 11 (1997)
- Robert Weinberg (1997)
- Bruce Ames (1998)
- John Bahcall (1998)
- John Cahn (1998)
- Eli Ruckenstein (1998)
- David Baltimore (1999)
- Felix Browder 12 (1999)
- Ronald Coifman (1999)
- Jared Diamond (1999)
- Leo Kadanoff (1999)
- Lynn Margulis (1999)
- Stuart Rice (1999)
- John Ross (1999)
- Susan Solomon (1999)
- Robert Solow (1999)
- Gary Becker (2000)
- Ralph Hirschmann (2000)
- Jeremiah Ostriker (2000)
- Marvin Cohen (2001)
- Gabor Samorjai (2001)
- Elias Stein (2001)
- Harold Varmus (2001)
- John I. Brauman (2002)
- Richard Garwin (2002)
- Evelyn Witkin (2002)
- Edward Witten (2002)
- John Prausnitz (2003)
- Solomon Snyder (2003)
- Charles Yanofsky (2003)
- Kenneth Arrow (2004)
- Stephen Lippard (2004)
- Ralph Alpher (2005)
- Bradley Efron (2005)
- Tobin Marks (2005)
- Hyman Bass (2006)
- Daniel Kleppner (2006)
- Robert Langer (2006)
- Lubert Stryer (2006)
- Fay Ajzenberg-Selove (2007)
- Leonard Kleinrock (2007)
- Robert Lefkowitz (2007)
- Andrew Viterbi (2007)
- Berni Alder (2008)
- Michael Posner (2008)
- Yakir Aharonov (2009)
- Esther Conwell (2009)
- Mortimer Mishkin (2009)
- Stanley Prusiner (2009)
- Amnon Yariv (2009)
- Jacqueline Barton (2010)
- Allen Bard (2011)
- Sidney Drell (2011)
- Solomon Golomb (2011)
- Barry Mazur (2011)
- Lucy Shapiro (2011)
- Bruce Alberts (2012)
- Robert Axelrod (2012)
- May Berenbaum (2012)
- Alexandre Chorin (2012)
- Judith Klinman (2012)
- Jerrold Meinwald (2012)
- Burton Richter (2012)
- Stanley Falkow (2013)
- Simon Levin (2013)
- Barry Barish (2023)
- Eve Marder (2023)
- Myriam Sarachik (2023)
- Sheldon Weinbaum (2023)
- Bonnie Bassler 13
- Helen Blau (2024)
- Cynthia Dwork (2024)
- Wendy Freedman (2024)
1. Jewish father. In his book Indiscrete Thoughts (Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997,
pp. 7-8), Gian-Carlo Rota states that William Feller's
real name "was neither William nor Feller...He was
named Willibold by his Catholic mother in
Croatia...his original last name was a Slavic tongue
twister, which he changed while still a
student." Actually, his name was always "Vilim
(William or Willy) Feller." According to a
Croatian language article by Stella Fatović-Ferenčić and Jasenka
Ferber-Bogdan, Feller's
father was born Eugen Viktor Feller in Lemberg, Poland
in 1871; see "Ljekarnik Eugen Viktor Feller" (MEDICUS, Vol. 6,
No. 2, 1997, pp. 277-283). According to a letter
contained in the papers of the mathematician Louis
Mordell, William Feller "lost his post in Kiel due to
a father of non-Aryan descent." See: http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0275%2FMordell%2F23.4.
who was Feller's mentor at Kiel, states in his memoirs
(Lebenskreise: Aus
den Erinnerungen eines jüdischen Mathematikers,
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1967, pp.
154-155) that Feller was dismissed from his position
there in 1933 due to "'nichtarischen' Ursprung"
("non-Aryan" origins). In the 1933 Nazi purge of
the German civil service, "non-Aryan" virtually always meant Jewish. (Rota makes similarly misleading
statements about Ralph Gomory on p. 18 of Indiscrete Thoughts.)
2. Jewish mother,
non-Jewish father.
3. Jewish father, poet
and naturalist Lew Sarett (born Lewis Saretsky),
non-Jewish mother.
4. Jewish father,
non-Jewish mother. See, e.g., the last
paragraph of the section entitled "I.G.
FARBENINDUSTRIE" at http://www.jfkmontreal.com/john_lennon/cache/hmark/napedu.pdf.
5. Jewish father,
mother of partial Jewish ancestry; see Models of
My Life by Herbert A. Simon (BasicBooks, New
York,NY, 1991, pp. 3, 17, 112, 262).
6. Jewish mother
and step-father, non-Jewish father. See Raoul Bott:
Collected Papers, Vol. 1
(Birkhäuser, Boston, 1994, pp. 11-12).
7. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
8. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See Out of Their Minds:
The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer
Scientists, by Dennis Shasha and Cathy
Lazere (Copernicus/Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995,
p. 23).
9. Jewish father,
non-Jewish mother. See section entitled "Background
and Education, Toronto" in 1996
10. Jewish
father, non-Jewish mother; see http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2011/03/tom-eisner-father-chemical-ecology-dies-81.
11. Jewish
father, non-Jewish mother.
12. Jewish mother
(née Raissa Berkmann), non-Jewish father. See
Earl Browder,
by James Ryan (University of Alabama Press,
Tuscaloosa, AL, 1997, p. 29).
13. Jewish father.