HEBREW SONG PERFORMANCESThe links below connect to a number of excellent YouTube music video performances of traditional and contemporary Hebrew songs. The songs are divided (somewhat roughly) into two sections, the first consisting of mostly Israeli music and the second consisting of mostly liturgical music.
- Ad Sheh Ta'azov ("Until You Leave": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Rita Kleinstein; sung by Rita Kleinstein (right) and Miri Mesika (left).)
- Af Achat (1), Af Achat (2) ("No One": music by Shmulik Neufeld, lyrics by Tzruya Lahav; sung by (1) Anya Bukstein and (2) Rita Kleinstein and Miri Mesika.)
- Ahuv Yakar(1), Ahuv Yakar (2) ("Dear Love": music and lyrics by Ronit Shachar; sung by (1) Ronit Shachar and Ivri Lider and (2) Nurit Sol Kricheli.)
- Ain Li Eretz Acheret ("I Have No Other Country": music by Korin Allal, lyrics by Ehud Manor; sung by Ninet Tayeb.)
- Al Kol Eleh (1), Al Kol Eleh (2), ("For All These Things," music and lyrics by Naomi Shemer; sung by (1) Liane Mandelbaum and (2) Shlomi Shabbat and Koolulam.)
- Amud Ha'aish ("Pillar of Fire": music by Shem Tov Levi, lyrics by Ehud Manor.)
- Am Yisrael Chai! ("The People Israel Lives!": music composed by Tomer Biran; sung by Amir Dadon.)
- Ana Efne ("To Where Will I Turn?": theme song from the Israeli television series Srugim, music and lyrics by Erez Lev Ari; sung by Erez Lev Ari.)
- Avinu Malkeinu ("Our Father, Our King": composed by Stalos & Oren Chen (for the Max Janowski composition, see links in the section below on liturgical music); sung by Alexandrina Chelu.)
- B'dama'ich Chayi ("You're My Lifeblood": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by Ronit Rolland.)
- Biglal Ha'layla (1), Biglal Ha'layla (2) ("Because of the Night": music by Dafna Eilat, lyrics by Tirtza Atar; sung by (1) Chava Alberstein and (2) Adi Cohen.)
- Bikashti Aish ("I Asked for Fire": music by Natan Shachar, lyrics by Hezi Lofban; sung by Miri Mesika.)
- Bishvili ("For Me": sung by Hadar Ozeri.)
- Chad Bayta ("One Little Home": satirical update of Chad Gadya (see liturgical music section below) with the latest cast of characters seeking Israel's destruction - Ahmadinejad, Obama, the UN, etc., etc., etc.; traditional melody from the Passover Seder, screenplay by Tal Gilad, English translation by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz, produced by Latma; sung by Noam Jakobson.)
- Chai, ("I Live!": music by Avraham Toledano, lyrics by Uri Kariv; sung by Koolulam.)
- Chavera ("Friend": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Rita Kleinstein; sung by Rita Kleinstein.)
- Chorshat Ha'ekaliptus (1), Chorshat Ha'ekaliptus (2) ("The Eucalyptus Grove": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by (1) Benjamin Maissner and (2) Ishtar.)
- Dodi Li ("My Beloved is Mine": music by Nira Chen, lyrics from the Song of Songs; performed by the Atonement Klezmer Duo.)
- Eli, Eli (1), Eli, Eli (2), Eli, Eli (3) ("My God, My God": music by David Zahavi, lyrics from the Hannah Szenes (Senesh) poem A Walk to Caesarea; sung by (1) Ofra Haza, (2) Netanella, and (3) Sophie Milman.)
- Emtza Ha'Tamuz ("Middle of Tammuz": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by Nurit Galron.)
- Eretz, Eretz, Eretz ("A Land!": music and lyrics by Shaike Paikov; sung by Ilanit.)
- Eretz Tzvi ("Land of the Deer" or "Land of Beauty," music by Dov Seltzer, lyrics by Talma Alyagon-Roz; song commemorating the Entebbe Rescue Operation; sung by IDF Chief Cantor Shai Abramson.)
- Erev Shel Shoshanim (1), Erev Shel Shoshanim (2), Erev Shel Shoshanim (3), Erev Shel Shoshanim (4) ("Evening of Roses": music by Yosef Hadar, lyrics by Moshe Dor; sung by 1) the Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir, 2) the Carolyn Mawby Chorale, 3) Mel Rosenberg and Israel Gurion, and 4) Timna Brauer and Jasmin Meiri-Brauer.)
- Etz Ha'afarsek ("The Peach Tree": composed by Yosef Hadar; sung by Chani Dinur (left) and Meital Trabelsi.)
- Gitarah V'kinor ("A Guitar and a Violin": music and lyrics by Shalom Chanoch; sung by Marina Maximilian Blumin.)
- Ha'chagiga Nigmeret ("The Party's Over": music and lyrics by Naomi Shemer; sung by Benjamin Maissner.)
- Ha'ka'itz Ha'acharon ("The Last Summer": music and lyrics by Max Gat-Mor; sung by Mirit Liba.)
- Ha'ke'ev Ha'zeh ("This Ache": music by Ofra Haza and Izhar Ashdot, lyrics by Ofra Haza; sung by Ofra Haza.)
- Ha'lev ("The Heart": music by Tzvika Pik, lyrics by Mirit Shem-Or; sung by Maya Buskila.)
- Hallelujah ("Hallelujah": music by Kobi Oshrat, lyrics by Shimrit Orr; sung by Limor Shapira.)
- Ha'nasich Ha'katan ("The Little Prince": music by Shem Tov Levi, lyrics by Yonatan Gefen; sung by Ninet Tayeb.)
- Ha'rikud Ha'muzar Shel Ha'lev ("Strange Dance of the Heart": music and lyrics by Rona Kenan; sung by Rona Kenan and Gidi Gov.)
- Ha'tikvah (1), Ha'tikvah (2) ("The Hope" (National Anthem of the State of Israel and "the Song of the Jewish People"): composed by Naftali Herz Imber in 1878; sung by (1) Barbra Streisand in 1978 and (2) Live Hatikva in 2008.)
- Hava Nagila ("Let Us Rejoice": composed by Abraham Idelsohn, based on a Hasidic niggun (melody); performed by André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra.)
- Hinei Mah Tov ("How Good": music by M. Yacovson, lyrics from Psalm 133:1; sung by Dalida.)
- Ho Rav Chovel ("Oh Captain": composed by Naomi Shemer in tribute to the memory of Itzhak Rabin (lyrics are Shemer's translation of Walt Whitman's poetic tribute to the fallen Abraham Lincoln: "Oh Captain! My Captain!"); sung by Meital Trabelsi.)
- Imah (1), Imah (2) ("Mama": music and lyrics by Shaike Paikov; sung by (1) Maya Buskila and (2) Shir Biton.)
- Ishah ("Woman": sung by Limor Shapira.)
- Israelit ("I Am an Israeli": music by Tomer Hadadi, lyrics by Dudu Barak; sung by Ilanit.)
- Kamah Ko'ach ("How Much Strength": lyrics by Talia Barkai; sung by Shiri Maimon and Ran Danker.)
- K'mo Tzemach Bar ("Like a Wildflower": music by Nachum Heiman, lyrics by Rachel Shapira; sung by Maya Rotman (initially seated on the left) and Zehavit Passi.)
- Kol Galgal (1), Kol Galgal (2), Kol Galgal (3) ("Sound of a Circle": music by Avraham Tal, lyrics from the Zohar; sung by (1) Boaz Mauda, (2) Tina Malia, and (3) Shotei Hanevuah (Fools of Prophecy).)
- Kshe'at Atzuvah (1), Kshe'at Atzuvah (2) ("When You're Sad": music and lyrics by Amir Benayun; both sung by Shiri Maimon.)
- Kshe'Halachta ("When You Went Away": music by Chezi Shaked, lyrics by Shiri Maimon; sung by Shiri Maimon.)
- Kshe'Nitra'eh ("When We See Each Other": music by Tzvika Pik, lyrics by Ortal Ofek; sung by Ortal Ofek.)
- Le'orech Ha'yam ("Along the Seashore": composed by Ayala Ashrov; sung by Ofra Haza.)
- Le'sham (1), Le'sham (2) ("To There": music and lyrics by Keren Peles; sung by (1) Miri Mesika and (2) Zehavit Passi and Rafael Mirila.)
- Lif'amim Chalomot Mitgashmim ("Sometimes Dreams Come True": composed by Tzvika Pik; sung by Adi Cohen, Harel Moyal, and Harel Skaat.)
- Lirot et Ha'or ("To See the Light": music by Assaf Amdursky, lyrics by Barak Feldman; sung by Efrat Gosh.)
- Livkot Lecha ("To Cry for You": music and lyrics by Aviv Geffen; sung by Ninet Tayeb.)
- Lu Yehi (1), Lu Yehi (2), Lu Yehi (3) ("Let It Be": composed by Naomi Shemer, based on the Beatles song; sung by (1) Sarit Hadad, (2) Alexandrina Chelu, and (3) Chava Alberstein.)
- Machar ("Tomorrow": music and lyrics by Naomi Shemer; sung by Benjamin Maissner.)
- Mami ("My Love": music and lyrics by Itai Pearl; sung by Miri Mesika.)
- Mechakah L'ahavah ("Waiting for Love": composed by Tzvika Pik; sung by Hila Zittoun.)
- Medley of Ha'layla, Mishe'hu, Ey Sham, and Hallelujah ("Tonight": music by Shuki Levy, lyrics by Shulamit and Yuval Dor; "Someone": music by Matti Caspi, lyrics by Ehud Manor; "Somewhere": music by Nurit Hirsch, lyrics by Ehud Manor; and "Hallelujah": music by Kobi Oshrat, lyrics by Shimrit Orr; sung by Maya Buskila and Harel Skaat.)
- Megared Li Ba'gav ("Scratch My Back": music by Yoni Bloch, lyrics by Barak Feldman; sung by Efrat Gosh and Yoni Bloch.)
- Mi'Ma'Amakim)(1), Mi'Ma'Amakim (2) ("Out of the Depths": music and lyrics by Idan Raichel; sung by (1) Yoav Hoze, Shani Lachmish, and Tslil Rubenstein and (2) Idan Raichel.)
- Mishe'hu ("Someone": music by Matti Caspi, lyrics by Ehud Manor.)
- Nifradnu Kach ("We Parted So": music by Miron Minster, lyrics by Lea Goldberg; sung by Marina Maximilian Blumin.)
- Niga El Ha'chalom ("Touch the Dream": music and lyrics by Shalom Chanoch; sung by the Coral Ensemble.)
- No'ah ("Noa": music and lyrics by Naomi Shemer; sung by Meital Trabelsi.)
- Notzah Baru'ach (1), Notzah Baru'ach (2), Notzah Baru'ach (3) ("A Feather in the Wind": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Ya'akov Gilad; sung by (1) Ninet Tayeb, (2) Lital Gabai, and (3) Yehuda Aruti.)
- Or Gadol ("A Great Light": music and lyrics by Amir Dadon; sung by Koolulam.)
- Parparim ("Butterflies": music and lyrics by Doron Gal; sung by Boaz Mauda and Oshrat Phapir.)
- Pri Ganech (1), Pri Ganech (2) ("The Fruit of Your Garden": music and lyrics by Yoni Ro'eh; sung by (1) Marina Maximilian Blumin and (2) Aviva Avidan and Eli Luzon.)
- Rachamin ("Rachamim" (literally "mercy," but here a man's name): music by Moshe Wilenski, lyrics by Yechiel Mohar; sung by Galit Giat.)
- Rak L'Yisrael ("Only Israel": music by Yedida Freilich, lyrics by Gabby and Yuval Freilich; sung by Yedida Freilich.)
- Ratziti She'teda (Elohim Sheli) ("I Wanted You to Know" ("God of Mine"): music and lyrics by Uzi Chitman; sung by Liel Kolet.)
- Rega Prati ("Private Moment": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Ehud Manor; sung by Rita Kleinstein.)
- Shabbat Ba'Boker ("Sabbath Morning": music by Yoni Rechter, lyrics by Tirza Atar; sung by Shani and Yahala Lachmish, Tzlil Rubenstein, and Jeff Petroff.)
- Shara Barkhovot ("Singing in the Streets": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Tzruya Lahav; sung by Rita Kleinstein.)
- Shecharchoret (1), Shecharchoret (2) ("Dark Girl": Judeo-Spanish folk song, Hebrew lyrics by Moshe Giora and Moshe Elimelech; sung by (1) Esther Ofarim and (2) Marina Maximilian Blumin and Boaz Mauda.)
- Shir Ahuvat Ha'sapan ("Song of the Sailor's Beloved": music by Rami Kleinstein, lyrics by Yair Lapid; sung by Rita Kleinstein.)
- Shir Ha'frecha ("Song of a Tease": music by Tzvika Pik, lyrics by Essi Dayan; sung by Liel Kolet.)
- Shir L'shalom (1), Shir L'Shalom (2) ("A Song for Peace": music by Yair Rosenblum, lyrics by Yaakov Rotblit; sung by (1) Shiri Maimon and (2) Mo Glazman, Chaim Dovid Berson, Daniel Mendelson, Rachel Brook, Rachel Goldman, and Laurie Akers.)
- Shirat Ha'asavim ("Song of the Grasses": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by Etti Ankri.)
- Sh'ma Yisrael Elohai (1) , Sh'ma Yisrael Elohai (2) ("Hear Israel, My God": music by Shmuel Elbaz, lyrics by Yossi Gispan and Arlet Tzfadia; sung by (1) Michelle Blumsack and Staam and (2) Noa Dori.)
- Smachot K'tanot ("Small Joys": music and lyrics by Micha Shitrit ; sung by Ninet Tayeb and Micha Shitrit.)
- Solo Saxophone (Hebrew version of "Last Night of the World," from Miss Saigon: music by Claude-Michel Schönberg; sung by Hila Zittoun and Harel Skaat.)
- T'fila ("A Prayer": music by Henri Bratter, lyrics by Bezalel Aloni; sung by the Stars of Festigal 2004: Oded Menashe, Harel Moyal, Harel Skaat, Orna & Moshe Datz, Ran Danker, Ninet Tayeb, Maya Buskila, Agam Rodberg, and Roni Duani.)
- Tishmor Al Ha'olam, Yeled ("Watch Over the World, Child": music and lyrics by David D'or.)
- Uf Gozal ("Fly, Little Bird": music by Miki Gavrielov, lyrics by Arik Einstein.)
- Ve'ulai ("And Perhaps": music and lyrics by Ivri Lider; sung by Moran Aharoni.)
- Y'chefah ("Barefoot": music and lyrics by Aviv Geffen; sung by Ninet Tayeb.)
- Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (1), Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (2), Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (3), Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (4), Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (5), Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (6) ("Jerusalem of Gold": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by (1) the late Ofra Haza, (2) Rita Kleinstein, (3) Nourith Sibony, (4) Female Cantors from around the World, (5) Shai Terry, and (6) Elihana Elia.)
- Yesh Li Sikuy ("I Have a Chance":music and lyrics by Eviatar Banai; sung by Shani and Yahala Lachmish, Yoav Hoze, and Jeff Petroff.)
- Zodiak ("Zodiac": music by Yoni Roeh, lyrics by Dudu Barak; sung by Yaron Hadad and Uriel Shaltiel.)
- Adon Olam (1), Adon Olam (2), Adon Olam (3), Adon Olam (4), Adon Olam (5) ("Lord of the Universe" or "Lord of Eternity": synagogue hymn based on a medieval Hebrew poem, sometimes attributed to the eleventh century philosopher Solomon Ibn Gabirol; sung by (1) the London Jewish Male Choir, (2) Cantor Azi Schwartz to the tune of Hashem Melech, composed by Gad Elbaz, (3) Cantor Azi Schwartz to the tune of For Forever, composed by Benj Pasek [and Justin Paul (non-Jewish)], (4) Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, and (5) Cantor Daniel Mutlu.)
- Adonai Ro'i (1) , Adonai Ro'i (2) ("The Lord is My Shepherd": Psalm 23, music by Gerald Cohen; sung by (1) Susan Colin and (2) Cantors Shiree Kidron and Azi Schwartz.)
- Aḥat Sha'alti ("One Thing I Ask": lyrics from Psalms 27 and 121, music by Israel Katz, duet arranged by Cantor Andrew Bernard; sung by Lea Kalisch and Coleen Dieker.)
- Aleinu ("It is Our Duty (to Praise)": concluding prayer of the three daily services; traditional melody; sung by Debbie Friedman.)
- Ana B'koach ("We Beg You": mystical prayer for deliverance believed to have been composed in the thirteenth century; it serves as a bridge between Psalm 29 and Lecha Dodi in the Kabbalat Shabbat (Sabbath welcoming) service on Friday evenings; sung by Shuli Natan.)
- Ashrei Ha'gafrur ("Blessed is the Match": music by Lawrence Avery, lyrics from the Hannah Szenes (Senesh) poem Blessed is the Match; sung by Jeanne Fisher.)
- Avinu Malkeinu (1), Avinu Malkeinu (2), Avinu Malkeinu (3) ("Our Father, Our King": music by Max Janowski, adapted from one of the supplicatory prayers recited in the synagogue during the High Holy Day period; sung by (1) Barbra Streisand, (2) Svetlana Portnyansky, and (3) Noa Dori.)
- Avinu She'ba'shamayim (1), Avinu She'ba'shamayim (2) ("Our Heavenly Father": synagogue prayer for the State of Israel; music by Sol Zim, lyrics by Nobel laureate S. Y. Agnon; sung by (1) Meir Finkelstein and (2) Israel Nachman & the Jewish Amsterdam Chamber Ensemble.)
- Birkat Kohanim ("Priestly Blessing": music by Zina Goldrich, lyrics from Numbers 6:22-27*; sung by Cantor Azi Schwartz.)
- B'Rosh Ha'shanah ("On Rosh Ha'shanah": variation on a traditional melody from the High Holy Day liturgy by Craig Taubman; sung by Alberto Mizrahi.)
- Chad Gadya ("One Baby Goat": traditional song in Aramaic from the Passover Seder, generally interpreted as an allegorical recounting of the succession of empires - Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Islam, the Crusaders, and the Ottomans - that conquered Israel (the "baby goat"), but in the end were conquered themselves; sung with traditional melody by Chava Alberstein.)
- Dodi Li ("My Beloved is Mine": music by Nira Chen, lyrics from the Song of Songs; performed by the Atonement Klezmer Duo.)
- Dodi Li , L'chi Lach, & Sholom Rav ("My Beloved is Mine": music by Steven Sher, lyrics from the Song of Songs; "Go Forth - And You Shall Be a Blessing": music by Debbie Friedman, lyrics based on Genesis 12:1-2; & "Grant Abundant Peace": concluding benediction of the Amidah, a prayer dating back to the Second Temple period that constitutes the central component of the three daily synagogue services; music by Jeff Klepper and Dan Freelander; sung by Abbie Silber.)
- Ein Keloheinu ("None Compare to Our God": traditional hymn dating from the ninth century or earlier chanted near the conclusion of the Sabbath morning service; sung by Eli Baigel, Lionel Rosenfeld, Jonny Turgel,and the Shabbaton Choir.)
- Eli Tzion, ("Mourn Zion": medieval hymn sung at the conclusion of the reading of Eichah (the Book of Lamentations) on the eve of Tisha B'Av (the Ninth of Av); sung by Rona Kenan.)
- El Na, R'fa Na...(1), El Na, R'fa Na...(2), El Na, R'fa Na...(3) (English title: "Heal Us Now" - literally "Oh God, Please Heal...": music and English lyrics by Cantor Leon Sher, Hebrew lyrics drawn from Numbers 12:13, Psalms 145:18 and 85:10; sung by (1) Sergei and Elena Schwartz and the Temple Sinai of Roslyn Heights, NY Community Choir, (2) Federation TOGETHER, and (3) Ha'Zamir Ha'Sharon.)
- Elohai Nitzor (1), Elohai Nitzor (2) ("My God, Guard (My Tongue from Evil)": words from the silent meditation that follows completion of the Amidah prayer (the central component of the three daily synagogue services); music composed by Danny Maseng; sung by (1) Lynda Dresher and (2) (left-to-right) Alicia Stillman, Rachel Van Thyn, Angela Buchdahl, Julia Katz, and Andrea Markowicz.)
- Etz Chayim (1), Etz Chayim (2), Etz Chayim (3) ("A Tree of Life": hymn chanted at the conclusion of the Sabbath morning Torah Service; lyrics are from Proverbs 3:17-18 and Lamentations 5:21; sung by (1) unknown, (2) Jay O'Brien and Staam, and (3) Rachel Brook.)
- Hachnisini ("Take Me (Under Your Wing)": lyrics from poem by Chaim Nachman Bialik, music by Miki Gavrielov and Nurit Hirsch; sung by Adi Arad.)
- Hashkiveinu (1), Hashkiveinu (2) ("Help Us": music by Craig Taubman, words from the evening (Ma'ariv) service.)
- Havdalah (1), Havdalah (2) ("Differentiation"or "Separation": music by Debbie Friedman, words from the Havdalah service marking the conclusion of the Sabbath; sung by (1) Debbie Friedman and (2) Cantors Azi Schwartz and Rachel Brook.)
- Ki Eleicha (An'im Z'mirot) (1), Ki Eleicha (An'im Z'mirot) (2) ("Because (My Soul Longs) to You" ("I Shall Weave Melodies"), lyrics from liturgical poem by 12th Century Kabbalist Yehudah Ha'Chasid, music by Shirona; sung by (1) Shirona and (2) Kathryn Wolfe Sebo.)
- L'dor Va'dor ("From Generation to Generation": music by Meir Finkelstein, words from the Amidah prayer; sung by Meir Finkelstein and Ehud Spielman.)
- L'cha Dodi (1), L'cha Dodi (2), L'cha Dodi (3), L'cha Dodi (4), L'cha Dodi (5) ("Come, My Beloved": based on a piyyut (liturgical poem) composed in the sixteenth century by Solomon Alkabetz, one of the mystical rabbis of Safed (Israel). This hymn, which expresses the perennial hope for redemption and a more perfect world, has become a universally accepted component of the Kabbalat Shabbat (Sabbath welcoming) service on Friday evenings; sung by 1) a synagogue choir, 2) Cantor Azi Schwartz to music by Natalie Tenenbaum, 3) Asaph Neve Shalom, 4) Cantor Azi Schwartz to music by Abie Rotenberg, and Deborah Sacks Mintz & the Hadar Ensemble.)
- L'cha Dodi, Sim Shalom, & L'dor Va'dor ("Come My Beloved," "Grant Peace," & "From Generation to Generation" (see descriptions above and below); variations on traditional melodies, composed by Meir Finkelstein; sung by David Propis, Meir Finkelstein, and Alberto Mizrahi.)
- L'chi Lach (1), L'chi Lach (2) ("Go Forth - And You Shall Be a Blessing": lyrics (based on Genesis 12:1-2) and music by Debbie Friedman; sung by (1) Janet Pape and (2) Leslie Pomerantz.)
- Ma'oz Tsur (1), Ma'oz Tsur (2) ("Rock of Ages": traditional Chanukah hymn; sung by (1) Marie Betcher and (2) the Indiana University Hillel HooShir Choir.)
- M'kimi (2), M'kimi (2) ("He Raises (the Poor)": Psalm 113:5-8, music by Yosef Karduner; sung by (1) Simcha and (2) Yosef Karduner.)
- Mi Shebeirach (1), Mi Shebeirach (2) ("He Who Blessed": based on a prayer invoking divine blessing for the community that is usually recited after the Torah reading on Sabbath mornings and often employed as a prayer of healing; lyrics and music by Debbie Friedman; sung by (1) Debbie Friedman and (2) Don Gurney.)
- Mi Shebeirach (1),Mi Shebeirach (2) ("He Who Blessed": based on a prayer invoking divine blessing for the community that is usually recited after the Torah reading on Sabbath mornings and often employed as a prayer of healing; lyrics and music by Lisa Levine; sung by (1) Lisa Levine and (2) Rowna Sutin.)
- Oseh Shalom (1), Oseh Shalom (2) ("Establish Peace": conclusion of the Kaddish (sanctification prayer), which dates back to the Second Temple period; the Oseh Shalom is based on a verse from Job 25:2 and is one of several prayers for peace recited or chanted during daily synagogue services; music adapted by Jeff Klepper from traditional melody; performed by (1) Dan Freelander (left), Jeff Klepper, and the Zamir Chorale of Boston and (2) Abbie Silber.)
- Oseh Shalom, Bring Him Home, Hachnisini & Lu Yehi ("Establish Peace": traditional synagogue melody with words from Job 25:2; "Bring Him Home": music from Les Miserables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer; "Take Me": lyrics from poem by Chaim Nachman Bialik, music by Miki Gavrielov and Nurit Hirsch; and "Let It Be": composed by Naomi Shemer; sung by David D'or (left), Dudu Fisher, and the Voices of Peace Choir of the Jaffa Arab-Jewish Community Center.)
- Shalom Aleichem (1), Shalom Aleichem (2) ("Peace Be With You": traditional Sabbath hymn; sung by (1) Varda & Ehud Spielman and Meir Finkelstein and (2) Dina Levin & Ma'ayan.)
- Shalom Aleichem ("Peace Be With You": variation on the traditional Sabbath hymn by Debbie Friedman; sung by the Ensembles of the Zamir Choral Foundation.)
- Shalom Aleichem & Yah Ribon Olam ("Peace Be With You" (see above) & "God, Lord of the World": Aramaic song traditionally sung at the Sabbath table as one of the Shabbat Zemirot; variations on traditional melodies, composed by Meir Finkelstein; sung by David Propis and Meir Finkelstein.)
- Shalom Rav (1), Shalom Rav (2) ("Grant Abundant Peace": concluding benediction of the Amidah, a prayer dating back to the Second Temple period that constitutes the central component of the three daily synagogue services; music by Jeff Klepper and Dan Freelander; performed by (1) Dan Freelander (left), Jeff Klepper, and the Zamir Chorale of Boston, MA and (2) Rachel Brook.)
- Shir Lama'alot (1), Shir Lama'alot (2), Shir Lama'alot (3), Shir Lama'alot (4) , Shir Lama'alot (5) ("A Song of Ascents": Psalm 121, music by Yosef Karduner, adapted from traditional Sabbath melody; sung by (1) Ninet Tayeb, (2) Yosef Karduner, (3) Hadar Ozeri, (4) Einat Betzalel, and (5) Dina Levin & Ma'ayan.)
- Sh'ma Yisrael ("Hear, O Israel": six-word statement (in Hebrew) of Judaism's monotheistic credo: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One" (Deuteronomy 6:4); recited in daily synagogue services, contained in mezuzot and tefillin (phylacteries), it is traditionally the first prayer learned by children and the last one uttered by, or in the presence of, the dying; performed by the Voices In Peace Choir of the Jewish community of Cologne, Germany. Second number performed is Livkot Lecha, by Aviv Geffen.)
- Sim Shalom ("Grant Peace": adapted from the Sabbath morning prayer traditionally sung in the synagogue immediately following, and in amplification of, the recitation of the Priestly Blessing*, recited in ancient times by the Kohanim (Priests) in the Temple in Jerusalem; produced by Gil Ladin.)
- Sim Shalom ("Grant Peace": music by Zina Goldrich, words from the Sabbath morning prayer traditionally sung in the synagogue immediately following, and in amplification of, the recitation of the Priestly Blessing*, recited in ancient times by the Kohanim (Priests) in the Temple in Jerusalem; sung by Zina Goldrich and Cantor Azi Schwartz.)
- T'filah L'Shalom Medinat Yisrael ("Prayer for the State of Israel": music by David Burger, lyrics composed by the Chief Rabbis of Israel in 1948 with input from S. Y. Agnon; sung by HaZamir.)
- Un'taneh Tokef ("Let Us Acknowledge the Power (of this Sacred Day)": music and lyrics adapted by Yair Rosenblum from the medieval poetic prayer, which constitutes one of the centerpieces of the High Holiday liturgy; sung by Cantor Elias Rosenberg and the Zamir Chorale of Boston.)
- V'afilu B'hastarah ("Even in Concealment": words from the Book of Deuteronomy and Likutei Moharan, by the Hasidic Master Nachman of Bratslav, music by Shaiya Gross and Yoeli Klein; sung by Yosef Karduner.)
- Va'yechulu Ha'shamayim & Magen Avot ("The Heavens Were Completed" & "Shield of Our Fathers": hymns chanted at the conclusion of the Sabbath Eve Amidah prayer, lyrics of Va'yechulu from Genesis 2:1-3; sung by Varda Spielman.)
- Ve'hi She'amdah (1), Ve'hi She'amdah (2) ("And This It Is That Has Stood": from the Passover Seder, variation on the traditional melody composed by Yonatan Razel; sung by (1) Adi Arad and (2) HaZamir.)
- V'shamru ("And They Shall Keep (the Sabbath)": from the Sabbath evening service, lyrics from Exodus 31:16-17, music adapted from traditional melodies by Jacob Weinberg; sung by Susan Colin.)
- Yah Ribon Olam ("God, Lord of the World": Aramaic song traditionally sung at the Sabbath table as one of the Shabbat Zemirot; sung by HaZamir USA & Israel.)
- Yedid Nefesh (1), Yedid Nefesh (2), Yedid Nefesh (3), Yedid Nefesh (4) ("Soul's Beloved": mystical poem composed in 1584 by Rabbi Eliezer Azikri of Safed (Israel). In many congregations, it is chanted just prior to the beginning of the Kabbalat Shabbat (Sabbath welcoming) service on Friday evenings; sung by (1) Barbara Green-Glaz, (2) Dudu Fisher, (3) Yehoram Gaon, and (4) Rachel Brook.)
- Yigdal (Elohim Chai) (1), Yigdal (Elohim Chai) (2), Yigdal (Elohim Chai) (3) ("Revere (the Living God)" or "Great (is the Living God)": concluding hymn of the Sabbath evening service, based on the fourteenth century poem of Daniel ben Judah of Rome, which recounts Maimonides' Thirteen Principles of the Jewish Faith**; sung by (1) Avraham Perrera, (2) Yasmin Levy, and (3) Ofri Eliaz.)
*"May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord cause His countenance to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; May the Lord show you kindness and grant you peace." (Numbers 6:22-27.)
** Briefly, Maimonides' Thirteen Principles are 1) the existence of God, the Creator of all things; 2) the unity of God, who is one; 3) the incorporeality of God, who transcends the material world; 4) the eternity of God, who was the first and will be the last; 5) God alone is to be worshipped; 6) the words of the Prophets are true; 7) the greatest of the Prophets was Moses; 8) the Torah is of Divine origin; 9) its teachings are immutable; 10) God knows the thoughts and deeds of men; 11) God rewards and punishes; 12) the Messiah will come at the end of days; and 13) the dead will be resurrected.
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